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Dear Tabletop, Wreath and Centerpiece Designers,
We would like to thank you for your past support and welcome our new designers to become a part of our beautiful benefit for the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation. We are truly looking forward to the stylish and fascinating creations you will submit!
Please note, we have combined our tabletop trees, wreaths and centerpieces into one contract, as well as the guidelines. These documents can be viewed / downloaded using the links below. English Gardens will once again provide 2ft and 3ft trees, and those will be available mid to late September. There are a limited number of 3ft trees, and those will be given on a first come, first serve basis. We are also in need of wreaths and centerpieces.
Please review the guidelines carefully. Note that when you send in your contract this is our confirmation that you will be participating in this year’s event. Please join us in celebrating the success of Festival of Trees and the many benefits this organization has provided to children around the world.
We are in need of a few people on drop off day and set up day to receive trees and also to spruce up trees from last year that were in storage. We can also use your help on cleanup day after the festival.
Once again, thank you for your support. We look forward to working with you to ensure a memorable 37th year. You may email your contract to me—I will send a confirmation.
Denise McDonald
Tabletop Tree, Wreath and Centerpiece Chairperson
(313) 570-2745
Click here to send an email to Denise
Click here for the 2023 Designer Information Package and contracts.
Thank you to our returning 2024 Tabletop Tree, Wreath and Centerpiece Designers!
Allen Park Late Bloomers Garden Club-Janay Bongiorno, Sandra Boucher, Beverly Brown,, Maria Burt, Therese Faletti, Debbie Hinojosa, Janis Lawson
Ann Arbor Good Thyme Garden Club
Garden Club of Dearborn – Paulette Baumgart, Mary Bugeia, Terry Bungee, Cynthia Casillas, Carol Chrzastek, Nanette Fisher, Maiya Fograsi, Heather Yeaw, Linda Gunderson, Suzen Kingston, Kim Kovacs Gucwa, Marietta Lynch, Marybeth Lynch Verga, Claudia Meyer, Rachel Pearson, Diane Rebori, Wanda Unis-Flaim, Rose Wiggle
Grosse Ile Garden Club (Designed by Cynthia S. Blasses)
Livonia Garden Club
Taylor Conservatory
Taylor Garden Club – Beverly Brown, Maria Burt, Louise Doute, Jeannie Terry, Pat Thomas, Pam Yurgalonis
Tinsel Titans: Speck and Hurt Sisters – Elizabeth Becker, Joanne DeSmet, Donna Ferrante, Cynthia Hurt, Geralynn Hurt, Katherine Speck, Mary Jean Speck
Trenton Garden Club – Heather Kaper, Andrea Presnell
Troy Garden Club
Village Herb Associates
Sanda Sherrey – A Clean Look, Inc.
Bernadine Biske
Jymmie Bousson, Victoria Shock and Jerry Shock
Burger Baylor School for Students with Autism
Joy Bullington
Dr. Sue Cabadas
Debra Smith – DAS Designs
Donna Cyrbok
Judy Hart
Hattie Johnson
Georgianna Wirth-King and Donald King
Cheryl McNamara
Deborah Moore
Maureen Osborne
Beverly J. Palise
Pat Pohlman
The Ark Association
The Holly Jolly Helpers
Pam Westergaard & Neil Almalbis
Welcome new 2024 Tabletop Tree, Wreath and Centerpiece Designers!
Women of St. Aidan
Carmen L. Contraraz
Samantha Dunn
Judy Gardner
Mary Ellen Matigian
Amy Podeszwik
Lori Putnam
Jonda Schwab
Julie Stump
Hanna Stump
Top Ladies of Distinction – Detroit Chapter
Thank you to our 2023 Tabletop Tree Designers!
Alpha Delta Kappa-Beta Theta
Athletico Physical Therapy-Allen Park
Bridget Terry-Dreamlife Designs
Colleen Sullivan
Jim Dullack, Erin Michon and Cheryl Robinson
Joanne DeSmet
Laura Joyce
Linda D. Macrae
Mary Howard
Nancy Garey
Robin Hoeffel
Senior Club-Polish American Congress of Michigan
Terri Steinhauer
American Heritage Girls Troup MI-0214
Blooms & Bedazzle
Maria Broadnax & Jeniece D. Carter
Donna Ferrante
Flex-N-Gate, Allen Park
Nick Russo
Emma & Amy Toland
Sharon Wourman, Messenger (Soul of an Angel)
Thank you to our 2023 Wreath & Centerpiece Designers!
The Ark Association – Blooms & Bedazzle
Donna Ferrante
Pat West
Emma & Amy Toland
Georganne Salvia
Jerome Raska and Robin Yelverton
Kim Wilson
Kolleen Lowinski
Melia Howard
Melissa Warren
Sharon Warren
Stephanie Smith