Kathy Metry, Metry Interiors Sara Bukovec, Interior Designer Mary Wysocki, Paragon Art Collective
Thank you to our 2023 Supporters!
Bev Brown Mary Bugeia Mary Burt Debra Emmons Judy Hart Joyce Hughes Gail Raupp Megan Schira Pat Schwier Sandra Sherry All America Plywood Co., Inc. Children’s Hospital of Michigan Marketing & Public Relations The Dearborn Inn Banquet Staff & Managers Dearborn Press & Guide Cindy Fontana – Curlie’s Face Art Future Circle K Club at U of M Dearborn Glancey Trains Modular Railroad Club Detroit Historical Society Gordon Food Service Great Lakes Woodworking, Inc. Hatteras Printing Little Caesars Pizza Michigan Lego Users Group MJ Diamonds Park Place Caterers Pet Therapy Group Puleo International VanGuard Male Chorus WDIV – Live in the D WJR Top Ladies of Distinction – Detroit Chapter Greater Rising Star – Order of the Eastern Star Chapter Detroit College – Ambassador Advisory Board
Thank you to our 2022 Supporters!
Patti Abbott Jack & Susie Baker Joelle Banks Lailani Banks Debbie & John Barstad Terry Berry Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation Children’s Hospital of Michigan Marketing & Public Relations Tom & Sue Ciarelli Dennis Depowski Detroit Historical Society’s Glancy Trains Modular Group Cindy Fontana-Curlie’s Face Art Bill Fox Joan Fox Marjorie Gibson and Students-The Cookie Project of Michigan Pooja Gupta Greg Henderson Home Depot, Novi Joyce & Todd Hughes Jim Jacek Photography Angie Johnson Patricia Johnson Kiwanis Club of Dearborn Volunteers Stephanie Kyriakou Gary & Susan Kuhlmann Therese Quattrociocchi-Longe Sally & Randy Louks Mike Medoro Amy Merrill Tina Miano Michigan Lego Users Group- Peter Guenther, David Laswell, Chris & Sandra Leach, Jim Morrin Fernanda Mondaca Deanna Myers Jill Nelson Beverly J. Palise Park Place Catering, Greg Ivan Theresa Peterson AJ Quakenbush Jeff Quinn, WDIV Gail Raup Bill Sabo Evan Smith Malcom Smith Fabienne Stangenberg Terry & Mike Steinhauer The Tanari Family VMS Ford Volunteers WDIV EmmaJean Woodyard Jodi Wong
A very special thank you to…
Martin Zbosnik, Debbie Brown and the staff of the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center. Dean Darin, Jennifer Youngquest, and the English Garden’s Staff The City of Dearborn Convention & Show Services’ staff Mary Martin, Martin Media Services, LLC Palmer Moving Services, Jeff Palmer Versacom, Marty Shoushanian, Amy Soczewa
Thank you to our Wonderful 2023 Santas!
Salvador Cid John McAfee Blake Menzing Ron Priestaff John Winslow
Tati Amare Detroit Tap Repertory Downriver Brass Kat Orlando Duo Lincoln Park Dance Co. Maples Drummers & Ensemble Na Wahine O Ke Anuenue Polynesian Dance Group Protégé Dance Company Rivers End Brass Dave Santia – Performance Speed Painter